Enjoy our IV hydration where we deliver a special blend of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants that are tailored to your needs. We support the use of proper supplementation when needed. Prescribed IV therapy delivers key vitamins and nutrients directly into the blood stream. Additional vitamin shots can be added or identified as a stand-alone injection. Our current menu includes vitamin C, vitamin D, glutathione, Meyers Cocktail, and more. IV hydration is the perfect resource for anyone looking for a boost. This therapy is optimal before, during, or after a sickness, including the common cold, the flu, and more. It is great before or after travel, especially when feeling warn down, low energy, or exposed to people who may have been sick. This resource is also great for athletes, or anyone recovering from or planning to do intense exercise. IV hydration might be for you if you have been feeling tired or are looking for an extra boost in your day or week.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps with: immune function, energy, recovery, skin health, reducing inflammation, detoxification, enhanced mood, aids in cardiovascular health, and more!
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that is great for: bone health, muscle function, brain health, hormone production. and immune system support.
Glutathione is a safe and effective way to enhance overall health and wellness. This infusion can help boost your immune system, detoxify your body, and promote anti-aging.
Myers cocktail is a blend of vitamins to help with immune support, hydration, energy, pain relief, improved mood, improve kin and hair, improved bone health, aid in hangovers (staff favorite).
Our menu is always changing and updating, contact us to learn about our current IV hydration menu and which service might be right for you.